appearances & tv ads

KVML fellow board member kip tew and i chat with host taylor bennett on kurt vonnegut and the vonnegut library’s erstwhile, pending move to 646 mass ave during a segment of Comcast Newsmakers

article & tv appearance for then 2019 vonnegut library fund raising campaign  & here is another video, in which i appear, albeit briefly, but a connection i am proud to have:


view WISH-TV’s IndyStyle segment, where fellow FAS member jody deford and i promote Fashion Arts Society’s 3rd annual Hats Off lecture & luncheon, named ‘Hat Over Heels’ this year in honor of the beloved shoe. jody rocks her signature derby look, while i promo a fave look of mine, black jumpsuit and newsboy cap, as an example of the fab diversity that reigns at our premiere fund- and friendship raising event.

and here is a Mattingly Concrete testimonial ad